Friday 15 March 2013

Factors That Affect Your Car Insurance Premium and How to Lower It

There are many factors that affect your car insurance premium. Each is a statistically based risk for a specific population. The higher the risk associated with a person, the more he or she is likely to pay for coverage. We have elaborated on some of the risk factors below, but there are numerous others, including driver's gender, miles driven per year, purpose for using the vehicle (commuting to work, using for work, leisure only), etc.

Factors you cannot easily change that affect your car insurance rates:

  • Your Age
    Statistically, drivers under the age of 25 are at greater risk of being in an accident than those over age 25. Drivers between the ages of 50 and 65 generally have the safest records.
  • Your Gender
    Women are statistically safer drivers (sorry guys).
  • Your Marital Status
    A married person will pay less than a single person with an identical driving record.
Factors you CAN change that affect your car insurance rates
  • Your Location
    Where you live and work makes a difference. Folks living in certain areas with little or no traffic are likely to spend less on insurance than those living in congested cities or suburbs because areas with a lot of traffic tend to see more accidents. Some neighborhoods also have a higher rate of vehicle thefts, which can result in a higher premium.
  • Your Driving Violations
    Having an accident or moving violations on your record (speeding tickets, DWI, reckless driving, etc.) put you at a higher risk for accidents and will likely mean a higher premium. Some insurance companies will penalize you for your record for as many as five years from when the incident occurred. However, keep in mind, as your record improves, your premium will get lower.
  • Your Vehicle Type
    A cheap car will cost less to insure than that status symbol SUV sitting on 24" rims.
  • Your Accident Claims
    A driving record that is clean and free of accidents will hold fare better for you than lots of tickets and/or accidents.
  • Your Credit History
    Many insurance companies view having a poor, or even no credit history as suggestive of higher risk and thus, charge you a higher premium.
  • Your Occupation
    Insurers have statistically found a correlation between your occupation and risk of filing claims. For instance, a newspaper delivery person is most likely a higher risk than the personal banker sitting at their desk all day.

Other factors that help determine car insurance premiums:

  • Driving distance to work
  • Miles driven annually
  • Years of driving experience
  • Rather or not you have taken safe driving courses
  • Business use of the vehicle
  • Whether or not you currently have car insurance
  • Theft protection devices (often results in discounts)
  • Multiple cars and drivers (another opportunity for discounts)

What can I do right now to make sure I have the car insurance lowest premium?

Shop around and compare car insurance insurance quotes from different insurers. They base their premiums on their claims experiences, which naturally differ. One company may see your area as a higher risk than others may. Another may charge more because of your occupation. Shopping at HometownQuotes.Com makes it easier because you can quickly see multiple companies and their rates for your particular situation.
Where do I go for quotes?
One stop can take care of it all. Go to our car insurance quote request form where you can receive multiple quotes, pick the best price, and then purchase. Get covered immediately on-line or over the phone. It REALLY is the best way for shopping for car insurance.

How to Find Car Insurance Discounts

Saving money wherever you can is important to us all. Car Insurance should be no different. Do not assume that your insurance agent knows everything about you and your car. At HometownQuotes we go out of our way to find all the possible car insurance discounts that are available to each customer.
Drivers should take advantage of all discounts that many providers offer, that can significantly reduce the cost of car insurance. Understanding discounts and how they can affect car insurance premiums can help smart shoppers make better decisions about their coverage and possibly save themselves some money in the process.
Read below to identify possible discounts that could help you save money on car insurance this year. Other than discounts, there may be some other ways for you to save on your insurance premiums. We will go over several discounts that can help with your current situation.

First, there are discounts for Car Safety features. Certain states will give you discounts for anti-lock breaks. Make sure you know if it is two or four wheel anti-lock break vehicle. Automatic seatbelts and airbags are frequently discounted on your insurance premiums. In most states, a defensive driver class discount may apply. If the principal driver usually 55 years old or older has completed an approved defensive driving class a discount could apply. Keep in mind that most states will only approve this class if it is voluntary meaning that it was not the result of a violation or infraction.
Some insurers will give you a discount for having multiple cars. In some cases, this will only apply if you have two or more drivers. If you have a clean driving record, meaning you do not have any tickets, accidents or suspensions in the last three years (some companies require five years) then you could be eligible for a safe driver's discount.
Many insurance companies will reward you with staying with the same insurance company for many years without any accidents reported. They will offer you a renewal discount. It makes sense, you have carried insurance with a company for several years, and have not had an accident, your insurance company likes you and wants to reward and keep your business. Some companies honor you with a discount if you had prior limits on your previous policy. They discount you because they understand you are a better risk.
Conversely, if you do decided to change insurers a proof of prior insurance discount may apply. Most insurers request at least 6 months of consecutive insurance from the previous insurer. If you are a full-time student who meets certain grade requirements and are unmarried and usually under 25 years of age (some states the age is 21) you could be eligible for a good student discount. If you own a home, including condominium, town home, or mobile home, which is used as a principal residence, a discount could apply. Military personnel either currently active or retired from any branch of the US military a discount could apply. If your vehicle is equipped with an anti-theft device, a discount could apply.
You could lower the cost of your car insurance in other ways as well.
For people who own older cars, it may not be necessary or cost-effective to protect them with collision and comprehensive coverage. By comparing the book value of your vehicle and the premium that the insurer has offered, you may find that it cost as much for the insurance as it does for the vehicle. If the car is worth less than $2,000, you will probably spend more insuring it than it is worth. The whole idea of driving an older car is to save money, so why not get what is coming to you.
In addition, keep in mind that the type of vehicle you buy could greatly affect your premium. A flashy red sports car is usually going to cost more to insure than a mid sized sedan. This is also true of vehicles that are on the list of most stolen. There are many ways that policyholders can save on their insurance. Knowing more about auto policies and premiums can help consumers take advantage of less obvious discounts while ensuring that they have the appropriate protection for their vehicles. The last way to save is to assume more risk. If you chose higher deductible on your Personal Injury Protection or Comprehensive and collision coverage will lower your premium as well. The deductible is the amount of money you have to pay before your insurance company begins paying the rest.
Understanding how discounts affect your car insurance rates is important to save you money.

Changing Auto Insurance Companies May be Easier Than you Think

There are many reasons why you may choose to change your auto insurance coverage to another company. Perhaps you’ve found another company that offers you the same amount of coverage for considerably less money. You might have changed jobs and are eligible for a group discount through another insurer, or maybe you’re unhappy with the service that your present company provides. With the growth of the internet and quote comparison sites, investigating your options has never been easier!

Why change to a new Auto insurance carrier?

You need to regularly review your auto insurance coverage to make sure that you are receiving the best insurance value for your money. You will discover that it pays to shop around. In some states, premiums for identical policies vary widely among different auto insurance companies. The reasons for this price variation can be very complicated, but they boil down to a company's claims experience with policyholders in a coverage group (e.g. people of similar age, number of accidents, type of vehicle). For example, if a large number of people in a coverage group files claims during a given year, their rates will likely rise. When this happens, better discounts and lower overall premiums may be available at other insurance companies. When you decide to switch your auto insurance to another company, you’ll find that it's fairly easy to do so.

How to cancel your old Auto Insurance policy

Generally, all you need to do to cancel your auto insurance policy is to inform your insurance company in writing, specifying the date you want the policy canceled. In some states, the new agent must notify the previous agent of the policy change. Some auto insurance companies ask the policyholder send back the actual printed policy. The insurance company will send a cancellation request form that will need to be signed and returned. Examine the form carefully to make sure that all information regarding the policy is correct. If the form is not received within two weeks of sending the letter, call the agent or company immediately to check on the status of the cancellation. Don't just walk away from the old policy without formally canceling it. Each state requires that auto Insurance policies be cancelled with notice, thus the insurance company might assume one wished to continue the coverage, and it might eventually terminate the policy for failure to pay premiums and report the lack of coverage to the state Department of Motor Vehicles. This can hurt your credit rating and ability to get a new policy.

Be sure to get a new Auto Insurance policy first

Always have a new policy in place before canceling the old auto insurance coverage. Otherwise you might have a gap in protection for a day or more! Most states require all drivers to carry a minimum level of auto insurance and most insurance companies require policyholders to present proof of new coverage before they will cancel an active policy. The new company will be able to time the beginning of the new policy to coincide with the cancellation of the prior coverage.

When to Change Auto Insurance policies

At Renewal
Renewal is a convenient time to change auto insurance policies, as you don’t have to wait for a refund from your current carrier. A renewal notice will be sent to you approximately 30 days before a new policy begins, depending on the regulations in your state. Should you decide to switch companies, you’ll need to have a new policy by the time the current policy renews. Though a company might say there is 10-30 days to get your payment in before a policy terminates, you do not have coverage until the carrier receives the payment. If you have an accident during this time period you most likely will have no coverage since the premium wasn’t paid!
All Auto insurance policies contain a provision allowing you to cancel your policy with proper notice at any time. In a few states auto insurance companies “short rate” the policy that means one pays a penalty for canceling before the policy renews. Most insurance companies pro-rate their policies so there is no penalty. The advantage of switching before the renewal date can save you a lot of money. For example if you have a policy that runs from Jan 15th to Aug 15th and you have an accident or ticket that will be over 36 months on March 15th. By switching Auto insurance companies on March 16th, you get a discount for having a clean driving record. Your current carrier won’t apply this discount until the policy renews on August 15th! This can save you Hundreds of dollars immediately!

How long does it take to change Auto insurance?

When you change auto insurance companies, the new agent or insurer can generally change carriers while you wait! Generally they’ll just need a copy of your current declaration page, driver’s license and down payment to get the policy issued.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Home-Based Business Owners, You Need Insurance Coverage

         When you start a home-based business, buying insurance may not be your first priority, but you cannot afford to ignore it either. When the unexpected happens -- and it will -- having insurance coverage may mean the difference between the success and failure of your home-based business.
You may not require all types of insurance listed here, but taking some time now to consider your insurance needs can save you money and headaches in the future. Ultimately, after reading this article, the best way to determine your complete needs is to consult with your insurance agent. Explain to them the details of your home-based business and he or she should be able to determine the best insurance coverage for you (and any employees).

Health Insurance

Health insurance should be the first consideration for yourself and any employees you may have. If you have just left your current job to start your own business, you may be eligible for COBRA, which will provide temporary interim coverage. This will keep you covered while you search for the best health insurance policy.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance will guarantee that you have some income should you suddenly become unable to work because of injury or illness. Having this extra peace of mind is almost always well worth the extra money you pay.

Life Insurance

Life insurance will help ensure that your family has the money it needs should you meet with an untimely death. Some lenders require that you have life insurance before they'll issue a loan; this guarantees that the loan will be repaid if you meet with an untimely end.

Business Property Insurance

Business property insurance helps protect you against loss of inventory or equipment. If your business equipment or inventory is damaged in a flood, fire, or other disaster, this type of insurance will allow you to recoup your losses.

General Liability Insurance

Comprehensive general liability insurance is necessary for your home-based business if you plan on having clients or customers visit your home. Whether you plan to hold meetings, allow customers to pick up merchandise, or have members of the public enter your home for any other reason, this insurance will protect you if someone is injured while on your property. This insurance will typically pay for your legal defense should you face a lawsuit as the result of a fall or other damage that occurs on your property.

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance will help your business recover from natural disasters. It will cover you for income lost during the disaster, and will pay for operating expenses that continue to accrue, even though your business isn't up and running.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers' compensation insurance is an absolute necessity if you plan on having employees working out of your home. Without workers' comp, you'll be responsible for any medical expenses arising from injuries employees sustain while working for you. Many home-based business owners mistakenly believe that this type of insurance is only required by businesses that have a retail or separate location, but that's not the case. Another mistake is assuming that only ‘dangerous’ employers (such as construction or movers) need this type of insurance. But what if your employee slips on the stairs or their chair breaks? While those are both unlikely, they are possible and the less risky your business, the cheaper the insurance will be.
These insurance plans can help ensure that you are prepared to face any eventuality that might occur while you are running your own business. Disasters, accidents, and crises can strike at any time. By preparing now, you may be saving you and your company significant financial loss, wasted time, and difficulty.

The Three Basic parts to an Auto insurance Policy

1: Other Party:
Auto Insurance Bodily Injury (BI) Liability and Property Damage (PD) coverage is Legally required in most states today. (BI & PD) Most people understand that they need BI & PD, but they have no idea how to determine how much coverage they need.
Try this simple question: What if your car was involved in an auto accident tonight where heaven forbid, someone else was injured or killed? Remember, everything you own is in the back seat of the car with you and is at risk in a lawsuit! So, what do you think their family would sue you for? $15,000? $25,000? $100,000 or even maybe a Million dollars! Where would you get the money to pay them?
Perhaps the Equity in your Home would help? How about your Savings and/or Investments? You could even have up to 25% of your wages attached to pay the award in most states! Are you prepared to sacrifice everything you own to pay an award due to this accident? If not, read on for how to choose the auto insurance coverage you need.
2: You and Your Family:
Now let’s turn the above accident around. For some unfortunate reason, you or a loved one is the one who is injured or killed in an auto accident. Where would you get the money if the person who hit you did not have auto insurance or not enough auto insurance? Medical bills can be covered if you have health insurance. But health insurance doesn’t cover loss of life, pain & suffering or permanent disability.
Maybe you have a life insurance policy through your employer or your own individual life policy. Is the benefit amount sufficient to cover your family if your loved one is killed? But even if you have life insurance, what pays for the misery, the pain & suffering, maybe the fact you or a loved one can’t walk or use their arms again?
You might have a disability insurance policy through your work if you’re lucky or had good financial advice. But disability insurance doesn’t pay for loss of life, pain & suffering, permanent loss of your legs, arm or hand.
The only coverage that pays for these things is a part of an auto insurance policy known as Un/Under-insured motorist coverage. You can only buy as much coverage here as you have in Liability coverage. Your auto insurance agent should be able to help you determine the exact amount you need.
3: Your Car
Comprehensive and Collision Coverage are the third part of an auto insurance policy and are sometimes referred to as “Full coverage.” Basically the difference is this: If you run into the tree you are covered by Collision coverage. If the tree runs into you (hypothetically of course), then you are covered by comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive also covers broken windshields, fire, theft and vandalism. The higher deductible (risk) you take here, the lower the premium. Use the savings here to purchase higher limits in the coverages that protect your assets and your family.
The bottom line to determining proper auto insurance coverage is, of course, the money available in your household budget. An excellent place to start in determining the proper auto insurance coverage for your family is to meet with your local auto insurance agent.
Most cut-rate companies concern themselves with one thing only: Price. Tell them what coverage you have and they’ll see if they can give you the same coverage for less. You become the insurance professional. If this is the only need you have then that is ok. If not, you need to seek the advice of a professional to help you determine the proper amount of coverage you need and how best to accomplish it.

Auto Insurance – What’s In Your Policy?

f you are in an auto accident – the last thing on your mind should be money. It is important to know you are covered and what that coverage includes.
While thinking about wrecking your car probably isn’t the most pleasant thought, it is important to purchase auto insurance so you will be compensated for your losses and have funds secured for those unforeseen events.
The value of auto insurance cannot be stressed enough. If you are an uninsured driver involved in an accident, you may face thousands – possibly millions – of dollars in expenses, depending on the severity of the situation.
So you’ve purchased auto insurance. That’s good. Even more important, however, is knowing what that auto insurance covers if you are involved in a wreck or find your automobile broken into.
There are several types of personal auto insurance coverage. While you are not required to purchase all of the offered coverages, most states require you buy a few of them. Let’s examine some of the coverages you might find in your personal auto insurance policy:
The basics of auto insurance include liability, property, medical and under/uninsured motorist coverage.
Liability coverage pays for bodily injury or property damage claims to those you are legally responsible for. This coverage takes care of the damage you cause to someone else or his or her property.
Property coverage compensates for damage to or the theft of your car. Two types of property coverage include collision and comprehensive.
Medical coverage is responsible for the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers of the policyholder’s car. Coverage is provided regardless of whether the individual is a passenger or struck as a pedestrian.
Uninsured motorist coverage reimburses you if you are hit by an uninsured driver. Underinsured motorist coverage provides compensation if the party at fault does not have adequate coverage to pay for your entire loss.
These are just a few of the coverages that might be found in your personal auto insurance policy. Do you know what’s in your policy? If not, it might be a good idea to take a look and understand the ways you, your car and your loved ones may or may not be protected.

Auto Insurance Tips – Sealing the Deal on Affordable Car Insurance

First things first – While penalties vary state to state, you can guarantee that driving without coverage will take some clank out of your bank. Uninsured drivers can face a myriad of punishments for merely being stopped and not being able to prove coverage. This fact alone should be enough to convince you to start researching reasonable insurance coverages for your vehicle.
Not persuasive enough? Consider your possible liability in the event of an accident…
Your vehicle collides with Mrs. Baker’s vehicle. Mrs. Baker is a fourth grade teacher at the local elementary school and is now facing $80,000 in medical bills, $65,000 in lost wages and is requesting $200,000 for pain and suffering. That’s a $345,000 claim that, unless you have adequate coverage for, you will be pulling out of your pocket. Certainly in this case, as the too familiar adage wisely states, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
So, you know you need auto insurance. While it’s not sinfully delicious or nearly as enjoyable as turtle cheesecake, lack of adequate coverage will definitely leave you with a bellyache in the event of an automobile accident. It is possible to find insurance you can afford.
Remember! Your car insurance rate is based on your insurance risk assessment. If an insurance company determines you are a high-risk driver, your monthly cost will be higher than that of the average driver. You CAN remedy this! Let’s take a look at a few things you can do to reduce your auto insurance risk which, in turn, could lessen your auto insurance cost…
1) Purchase home/renter’s insurance from the same carrier as your auto insurance. Some insurance companies offer multi-policy discounts.

2) Always obey traffic laws, specifically the speed limit. Insurance companies take note of your driving record. More speeding tickets = higher risk driver = increased auto insurance cost.
3) Study hard. Insurance companies often reward students with good grades with a student discount.

4) Purchase a vehicle that receives notability for low damageability and increased passenger safety.

5) When given the option, purchase additional safety features for your vehicle. (Air bags, antilock brakes, etc.)

6) Take a driver safety course. A defensive driving class could possibly reduce your insurance rate. If not, it would at least make you more aware of the importance of being a defensive driver.
Other things to keep in mind…
1) To the insurance company, plain and simple, you are a set of risks. Anything you can do to decrease your “risk factor” might affect your cost of coverage.
2) Always ask for discounts. Many insurance companies offer deals for safe drivers. If you’re considered less of a risk, they’ll likely reward you.
3) Always comparison shop. You can always find a bargain if you know where to look. Insurance is such a commodity. Comparison sites like HometownQuotes ( can help you shop for affordable insurance.

Car Insurance – California, Do You Have Auto Coverage?

        There’s a long stretch of road between Redding and San Diego, California – which means many opportunities for unexpected auto accidents to occur. The Bay Bridge between Oakland and San Francisco, for example, is a hotbed of confusion and congestion that travelers are trying to navigate and conquer.
Between the excitement of summer and trying to secure your vacation plans, preparing for an auto disaster is probably the last thing on your mind. But the summer heat and unexpected bumps in the road can both wreak havoc on your auto and put you in jeopardy if you’re not prepared. If something happens while you’re driving down that long California interstate, are you covered? Let’s sift through your car insurance policy to consider your options:
What coverages are included in an auto insurance package?
           When you purchase auto insurance, you usually have several options – you can purchase medical, liability, property and under/uninsured motorist coverage.
Medical coverage in an auto insurance package will take care of treating injuries to those in the policyholder’s automobile. Medical coverage will be provided if the person is a passenger or hit as a pedestrian.
Liability is your financial responsibility to someone for damage you cause – whether the damage is to another person or to someone’s property. When you purchase liability coverage, the insurance company agrees to defend you in court and/or reimburse the other party for damages you cause.
California state laws require motorists to purchase the following liability insurance amounts.
$15,000 - bodily injury liability for one person injured in an accident
$30,000 – bodily injury liability for all injuries in one accident
$5,000 – property damage liability for one accident
Covering property damage includes comprehensive and collision insurance.
Comprehensive coverage insures accidental damage to the auto including fire, wind, sleet, theft, vandalism and similar damages.
Collision coverage reimburses for damage caused by colliding with another object, regardless of who or what is at fault.
What happens if the person that hits you is uninsured or does not have proper coverage to take care of your entire loss? Purchasing uninsured and/or underinsured motorist coverage will cover both of those situations.
If you have not glanced through your auto insurance policy in awhile, it’s time to consider reviewing it. The warm summer weather means your air conditioning will be running longer and your engine will be working harder. It’s important to take time right now and make sure you will be covered if you find yourself stuck on that long stretch of California road between Redding and San Diego.

Shop for Insurance Online = Save Precious Time and Money

        How will shopping for insurance on the Internet save time?
1) ONLY ONE FORM. When you shop online for insurance quotes, you only have to complete ONE brief form. When you search for quotes by phone, you often have to complete quote applications for each individual company from which you would like to receive a quote – that’s A LOT of time spent repeating the same information over and over. Searching for quotes online eliminates that hassle. Fill out ONE quote form and let the agents come to you, rather than vice versa.
2) INSURANCE AGENTS COMPETE FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Shopping online for affordable insurance means multiple insurance agents will compete for your business. THEY call you. Don’t go around banging on doors when you can sit back and let someone else do all the work for you.
3) COMPLETE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE. Requesting insurance quotes through insurance shopping portals allows you to compare multiple quotes – putting you in the driver’s seat and giving you a complete shopping experience.
     How will searching for insurance online save money?
Time is money, right? Shopping for affordable insurance coverage online saves time, so that means you’ll automatically save money and have more time doing things you WANT or NEED to do. PLUS, most online insurance shopping sites provide you with multiple, FREE insurance quotes. Why should you spend money on something you might not use when you can compare insurance quotes for free?
Recent studies show that most insurance consumers want to receive at least three insurance quotes when shopping for auto coverage. At HometownQuotes, not only do we offer free, multiple insurance quotes to consumers looking for affordable insurance, we also offer reliable customer service, insurance information and resources and access to several insurance professionals.
Don’t let searching for affordable insurance consume valuable time when your to-do list is nowhere near completed. We know you have other things competing for your time. When you let HometownQuotes do the work for you, finding insurance that fits your needs won’t be one of them.

Homeowners Insurance Tips

Increase Your Deductible

Just like auto insurance, policies have deductibles, and the same rule of thumb applies--carry the highest deductible you can afford.  The higher your deductible, the more premium credit you can expect to receive from your insurance company.  Your savings could reach 25% by increasing the deductible from $100 to $1000.
Improve Your Home Security

Most insurance companies offer discounts for smoke detectors, burglar alarms, dead bolts, fire extinguishers, and Neighborhood Watch Areas. Homes with a fire and burglar alarm system hooked up to a third-party monitoring company receive higher discounts than homes with local bell alarms.

Consolidate Policies
Insuring two or more vehicles with the same insurance company can save you 10 - 15% on your premiums. If you cover your homeowners insurance and auto insurance together, you can reduce your premiums by another 10 - 15%.

Construction Type

Before buying a home, consider its construction type, such as frame or concrete block and steel (CBS).  A wood frame house typically costs more to insure than one built mostly of concrete.
Verify Distance To Fire Stations And Windstorm Areas

If you live in the country, you'll probably pay higher rates for your insurance than if you lived in town. Why? It’s because of the longer distance to your local fire station. If you live more than 5 miles from the nearest fire station, and more than 1,000 feet from a fire hydrant, you will most likely pay a higher premium.

Before purchasing your home, you may want to get a quote for both and flood insurance. Insurance companies may not offer you windstorm or flood coverage, depending upon the area in which you live. If your home is in a hurricane prone area and your insurance company offers windstorm coverage, then installing approved hurricane shutters should result in a premium discount.
Claims Free Record And Renewal Discounts

If you have not had a claim under your policy during the past 3 - 5 consecutive years, you could receive up to a 15% discount, depending on the insurance company. Plus, most companies will discount your premium if your policy has been in force for 3 straight years.
Mortgage Free Discounts

Some insurance companies target who have paid off their mortgage and offer them premium discounts of up to 5%.
New And Renovated Home Discounts

A majority of insurance companies offer a discount for new homes, and you may qualify if your home was built in the last 10 - 15 years. Also, a recently renovated home costs less to insure, so find out when the last major electrical, heating and plumbing update was completed on the home.
Non-Smokers And Early Retiree Discounts

Some companies offer a non-smokers discount of up to 15% to qualified . To qualify, you must be a non-smoker and you cannot permit smoking in your home by anyone. Retirees or senior citizens are usually offered discounts because insurance companies believe they are home more often and are therefore better able to protect their home against fire and burglary.
Live-In House Keeper

Some insurers offer up to a 2% premium credit if you have a live-in employee as they feel it could reduce the likelihood of burglary.

After reviewing the foregoing savings tips, you may think that if you added up all your credits you could receive a 70 – 90% reduction in your premiums. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Certain safety or other measures you take may qualify you for being placed with the "preferred" company of a particular insurance group. This "preferred" company will be able to give you more premium credits than a standard company is able to.